Experience a city which isn’t just a city
The big lights, impressive sweeping skyline and the hustle and bustle of city life can be found in every corner of the globe. So what makes Melbourne so different? Sure it has all the great things which cities can offer, late night bars and restaurants, an extensive amount of high street stores and more people than you can shake stick at. But what I really think makes Melbourne tick is the culture. The creative and open spirit of the locals bring this city to life through music, fashion, art and self-expression.
So here are just a few reasons why you shouldn’t miss Melbourne off your trip around Australia! You can check out the video I filmed all about the fashion, food and culture below:
Update your wardrobe

You go from chic boutique to vintage-retro-IWantHisTopHat by just turning the corner! Streets along the CBD are lined with high end stores such as Gucci and Loui Vuitton, mid range high street outlets such as Target and Sports Girl and the surrounding suburbs provide the vintage fashion stores and incredibly cheap op-shops!
For all those backpackers out there who are sick of wearing the same pair of shorts day in and day out but can’t afford to replenish your travelling wardrobe, then head to one of the many op-shops around Melbourne where you can pick up items as low as a dollar!
Fashion is noticeably quirky, retro and sometimes down right weird, but in all the right ways. You will find hipsters roaming Fitzroy and Brunswick dawning tweed jackets and pocket watches, yet they won’t look out of place. Melbourne will inspire you, so whilst your enjoying your espresso, gaze your eyes upon the fashion which is all around you. Every outfit is so different it may even inspire you to grab some moustache wax and a bowler hat or buy that crazy outfit you have always wanted.
Experience four seasons in one day

I’m not sure whether Melbourne is just trying to be accommodating for both summer lovers and winter babies, but you will definitely experience it all in this city. You really have to see it to believe it. One moment, the sun will be shining and your skin becomes warm from the glow of a comfortable 30 degree heat. The next, clouds appear from nowhere and throw down hail stones and ferocious rain fall.
Do you wear a summer dress, or jeans and a sweater? The weather in Melbourne is so unpredictable that most days you be both freezing and boiling within the space of an hour. My advice, check the weather forecast… then completely ignore it. Semi-cover up if it looks nice, but take a jacket and $10 to buy your self some cheap jeans from Target if times get tough.
Inspire yourself with art; From the streets to the galleries

If there is one thing which this quirky city is not short of, it’s art! I’m not just talking about paintings hanging majestically under florescent lights. You can find the creative outlet of individuals in every lane way, on every other street telephone box and even through the music played live on the street corners.
Melbourne is one colourful city with glorious street art which changes every day. Large majestic pieces are painted one day, only to be covered up by another artist the next day. If you are lucky enough you may even get to witness one of the street artists in action. Hosier Lane is one of the most well known lanes in the city which attracts hundreds of locals and travellers every single day.
If you want something a little more indoors then head to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) where you can explore at your own pace, wandering from room to room, from fine to funky, the NGV has a wide range of excellent art work and some astonishing exhibitions.
The smell of coffee

The people of Melbourne are commonly referred to, and justifiably so, as coffee snobs.You will not find a Starbucks on every corner. In fact, Starbucks had to close down multiple stores across the city because business was so poor. Why? Because Melbourne is brimming with independent coffee shops. Literally, the streets are lined with cafes which entice passers by in with the aromatic aroma of freshly ground coffee beans.
Still not convinced that their standards are high for your deliciously addictive morning beverage? To become a barista in this city, you need to know more than just how to make a latte. You need years of experience behind that grinder with an outstanding knowledge of types of beans, how the grind effects the taste, what temperature needs to be gained consistently in every cup, latte art… The list is endless.
The constant banging sound of the portafilter will become the soundtrack to your tour of this city. Sure 7Eleven offers a $1 coffee, but I beg of you to pay an extra couple of bucks to enjoy a real coffee, made with love, years of experience and a passion you can just taste with every sip. If there is one thing you will leave Melbourne with, is a hatred for coffee chains such as Starbucks and Costa.
Stuff yourself with food from across the globe

With Australia being both isolated away from most of the world, but also being close to Asia, the variety of cuisine can be overwhelming. Melbourne is by far one of the most multi-cultural cities in Australia which brings with it cooking expertise from across the globe.
Fancy a Lebanese, Chinese, Thai, Italian, Indian, Greek or Sri Lankan dinner? That’s fine! You won’t have to look far! The only problem which this diversity brings, is the difficulty in deciding where in the world you want to eat each day!
Have you been to Melbourne? What did you think? Will it stand out in your list of top cities? Let me know below!
You may also like to check out: Free Things In Melbourne for my list of top attractions which won’t cost you a cent!
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